
Philipp Luz, Martin Metzner, und Volker Schwieger. Development of a new lane-precise map matching algorithm using GNSS considering road connectivity. (Online proceedings of Virtual ITS European Congress, 9-10.11.2020)2020. [PUMA: GNSS Map iigs 2020 from:larsplate matching]

Philipp Luz, Martin Metzner, und Volker Schwieger. Development of a new lane-precise map matching algorithm using GNSS considering road connectivity. (Online proceedings of Virtual ITS European Congress, 9-10.11.2020)2020. [PUMA: 2020 GNSS Map iigs matching]

Peter Weβeler, Benjamin. Kaiser, Jürgen. t. Vrugt, Armin. Lechler, und Alexander. Verl. Camera based path planning for low quantity - high variant manufacturing with industrial robots. 2018 25th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP), 1-6, November 2018. [PUMA: Industrial Matching Path Robots planning] URL