
David Seus, Florin A. Radu, und Christian Rohde. A linear domain decomposition method for two-phase flow in porous media. In Florin Adrian Radu, Kundan Kumar, Inga Berre, Jan Martin Nordbotten, und Iuliu Sorin Pop (Hrsg.), Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2017, 603-614, Springer International Publishing, 2019. [PUMA: from:sylviazur imported vorlaeufig] URL

Christophe Chalons, Jim Magiera, Christian Rohde, und Maria Wiebe. A finite-volume tracking scheme for two-phase compressible flow. In Christian Klingenberg, und Michael Westdickenberg (Hrsg.), Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 309--322, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2018. [PUMA: from:sylviazur imported vorlaeufig] URL

Markus Köppel, Ilja Kröker, und Christian Rohde. Intrusive uncertainty quantification for hyperbolic-elliptic systems governing two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Comput. Geosci., (21):807-832, 2017. [PUMA: from:mathematik from:mhartmann ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

Lukas Ostrowski, und Christian Rohde. Phase field modelling for compressible droplet impingement. In Alberto Bressan, Marta Lewicka, Dehua Wang, und Yuxi Zheng (Hrsg.), Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems 2018, (10):586-593, AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics, 2020. [PUMA: from:sylviazur ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

J. Giesselmann, F. Meyer, und C. Rohde. An a posteriori error analysis based on non-intrusive spectral projections for systems of random conservation laws. In Alberto Bressan, Marta Lewicka, Dehua Wang, und Yuxi Zheng (Hrsg.), Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems 2018, (10):449-456, AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics, 2020. [PUMA: ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

D. Diehl, J. Kremser, D. Kröner, und C. Rohde. Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes-Korteweg systems by local discontinuous Galerkin methods in multiple space dimensions. Appl. Math. Comput., (272)2:309-335, 2016. [PUMA: imported from:mathematik vorlaeufig ians] URL

F. Betancourt, und C. Rohde. Finite-volume schemes for Friedrichs systems with involutions. App. Math. Comput., (272, Part 2):420-439, 2016. [PUMA: imported from:mhartmann from:mathematik vorlaeufig ians] URL

Lukas Ostrowski, und Christian Rohde. Compressible multicomponent flow in porous media with Maxwell-Stefan diffusion. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., (43)7:4200-4221, 2020. [PUMA: imported from:mathematik vorlaeufig ians] URL

Inga Berre, Wietse M. Boon, Bernd Flemisch, Alessio Fumagalli, Dennis Gläser, Eirik Keilegavlen, Anna Scotti, Ivar Stefansson, Alexandru Tatomir, Konstantin Brenner, Samuel Burbulla, Philippe Devloo, Omar Duran, Marco Favino, Julian Hennicker, I-Hsien Lee, Konstantin Lipnikov, Roland Masson, Klaus Mosthaf, Maria Giuseppina Chiara Nestola, Chuen-Fa Ni, Kirill Nikitin, Philipp Schädle, Daniil Svyatskiy, Ruslan Yanbarisov, und Patrick Zulian. Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media. 2020. [PUMA: ians imported vorlaeufig]

Inga Berre, Wietse M. Boon, Bernd Flemisch, Alessio Fumagalli, Dennis Gläser, Eirik Keilegavlen, Anna Scotti, Ivar Stefansson, Alexandru Tatomir, Konstantin Brenner, Samuel Burbulla, Philippe Devloo, Omar Duran, Marco Favino, Julian Hennicker, I-Hsien Lee, Konstantin Lipnikov, Roland Masson, Klaus Mosthaf, Maria Giuseppina Chiara Nestola, Chuen-Fa Ni, Kirill Nikitin, Philipp Schädle, Daniil Svyatskiy, Ruslan Yanbarisov, und Patrick Zulian. Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media. 2020. [PUMA: imported vorlaeufig ians from:sylviazur]

Timo Koch, Dennis Gläser, Kilian Weishaupt, Sina Ackermann, Martin Beck, Beatrix Becker, Samuel Burbulla, Holger Class, Edward Coltman, Simon Emmert, Thomas Fetzer, Christoph Grüninger, Katharina Heck, Johannes Hommel, Theresa Kurz, Melanie Lipp, Farid Mohammadi, Samuel Scherrer, Martin Schneider, Gabriele Seitz, Leopold Stadler, Martin Utz, Felix Weinhardt, und Bernd Flemisch. DuMux 3 – an open-source simulator for solving flow and transport problems in porous media with a focus on model coupling. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2020. [PUMA: ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

Timo Koch, Dennis Gläser, Kilian Weishaupt, Sina Ackermann, Martin Beck, Beatrix Becker, Samuel Burbulla, Holger Class, Edward Coltman, Simon Emmert, Thomas Fetzer, Christoph Grüninger, Katharina Heck, Johannes Hommel, Theresa Kurz, Melanie Lipp, Farid Mohammadi, Samuel Scherrer, Martin Schneider, Gabriele Seitz, Leopold Stadler, Martin Utz, Felix Weinhardt, und Bernd Flemisch. DuMux 3 – an open-source simulator for solving flow and transport problems in porous media with a focus on model coupling. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2020. [PUMA: imported vorlaeufig ians from:sylviazur] URL

Janick Thomas Gerstenberger, Samuel Burbulla, und Dietmar Kröner. Discontinuous Galerkin method for incompressible two-phase flows. Submitted to: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2020. [PUMA: imported vorlaeufig ians from:sylviazur]

J. Giesselmann, F. Meyer, und C. Rohde. A posteriori error analysis for random scalar conservation laws using the Stochastic Galerkin method. IMA J. Numer. Anal., (40)2:1094-1121, 2020. [PUMA: from:mathematik ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

A. Beck, J. Dürrwächter, T. Kuhn, F. Meyer, C.-D. Munz, und C. Rohde. $hp$-Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for uncertainty quantification of compressible flows. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., (42)4:B1067–B1091, 2020. [PUMA: ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

R. M. Colombo, P. G. LeFloch, C. Rohde, und K. Trivisa. Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerics. Oberwohlfach Rep., 16:1419-1497, 2019. [PUMA: from:sylviazur ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

Samuel Burbulla, und Christian Rohde. A fully conforming finite volume approach to two-phase flow in fractured porous media. In Robert Klöfkorn, Eirik Keilegavlen, Florin A. Radu, und Jürgen Fuhrmann (Hrsg.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples, 547-555, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2020. [PUMA: ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

I. Rybak, und S. Metzger. A dimensionally reduced Stokes-Darcy model for fluid flow in fractured porous media. Appl. Math. Comp., (384)2020. [PUMA: from:sylviazur ians imported vorlaeufig]

I. Rybak, und S. Metzger. A dimensionally reduced Stokes-Darcy model for fluid flow in fractured porous media. Appl. Math. Comp., (384)2020. [PUMA: ians imported vorlaeufig] URL

E. Eggenweiler, und I. Rybak. Interface conditions for arbitrary flows in coupled porous-medium and free-flow systems. In R. Klöfkorn, E. Keilegavlen, F. Radu, und J. Fuhrmann (Hrsg.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples, (323):345--353, Springer International Publishing, 2020. [PUMA: imported vorlaeufig ians from:sylviazur]