
László von Szentpály. Symmetry Laws Improve Electronegativity Equalization by Orders of Magnitude and Call for a Paradigm Shift in Conceptual Density Functional Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, (119)9:1715-1722, 2015. [PUMA: chemie from:alexanderdenzel imported laszlos stuttgart szentpaly theochem theoretische] URL

László von Szentpály. Physical Basis and Limitations of Equalization Rules and Principles: Valence-State Electronegativity and Valence-Pair-Affinity versus Operational Chemical Potential. Quantum Matter, (4)1:47-55, 2015. [PUMA: chemie imported from:alexanderdenzel laszlos theoretische stuttgart theochem szentpaly] URL

László von Szentpály. Hardness maximization or equalization? New insights and quantitative relations between hardness increase and bond dissociation energy. Journal of Molecular Modeling, (23)7:217, 01.07.2017. [PUMA: chemie imported from:alexanderdenzel laszlos theoretische stuttgart theochem szentpaly] URL