
Stefano De Marchi, and Gabriele Santin. Fast computation of orthonormal basis for RBF spaces through Krylov space methods. BIT Numerical Mathematics, (55)4:949--966, Springer Netherlands, 2015. [PUMA: 65Y20 42A82; ians Interpolation; factorization; Matrix from:mhartmann Positive 15A23; Fast definite computation; vorlaeufig 41A05; functions;] URL

Stefano De Marchi, and Gabriele Santin. Fast computation of orthonormal basis for RBF spaces through Krylov space methods. BIT Numerical Mathematics, (55)4:949--966, Springer Netherlands, 2015. [PUMA: 65Y20 42A82; Interpolation; factorization; Matrix Positive 15A23; Fast definite computation; vorlaeufig 41A05; functions;] URL