
Wolfgang Kaim, Christoph Titze, Thilo Schurr, Monika Sieger, Max Lawson, Jeanne Jordanov, Dario Rojas, Ana M. Garcia, and Jorge. Manzur. Reactivity of copper(I) complexes with tripodal ligands towards O2: Structures of a precursor [L3CuI(NCCH3)](BF4), L3 = tris(3-isopropyl-4,5-trimethylenepyrazolyl)methane and of its oxidation product [L3CuII(m-OH)2CuIIL3](BF4)2 with strong antiferromagnetic spin-spin coupling. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (631)13-14:2568--2574, 2005. [PUMA: acetonitrile antiferromagnetic complex complex;copper copper coupling dinuclear dinuclear;magnetic hydroxy methane mononuclear prepn property structure structure;crystal trimethylenepyrazolyl]

Wolfgang Kaim, Christoph Titze, Thilo Schurr, Monika Sieger, Max Lawson, Jeanne Jordanov, Dario Rojas, Ana M. Garcia, and Jorge. Manzur. Reactivity of copper(I) complexes with tripodal ligands towards O2: Structures of a precursor [L3CuI(NCCH3)](BF4), L3 = tris(3-isopropyl-4,5-trimethylenepyrazolyl)methane and of its oxidation product [L3CuII(m-OH)2CuIIL3](BF4)2 with strong antiferromagnetic spin-spin coupling. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (631)13-14:2568--2574, 2005. [PUMA: acetonitrile antiferromagnetic complex complex;copper copper coupling dinuclear dinuclear;magnetic hydroxy methane mononuclear prepn property structure structure;crystal trimethylenepyrazolyl]

Wolfgang Kaim, Christoph Titze, Thilo Schurr, Monika Sieger, Max Lawson, Jeanne Jordanov, Dario Rojas, Ana M. Garcia, and Jorge. Manzur. Reactivity of copper(I) complexes with tripodal ligands towards O2: Structures of a precursor [L3CuI(NCCH3)](BF4), L3 = tris(3-isopropyl-4,5-trimethylenepyrazolyl)methane and of its oxidation product [L3CuII(m-OH)2CuIIL3](BF4)2 with strong antiferromagnetic spin-spin coupling. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, (631)13-14:2568--2574, 2005. [PUMA: acetonitrile antiferromagnetic complex complex;copper copper coupling dinuclear dinuclear;magnetic hydroxy methane mononuclear prepn property structure structure;crystal trimethylenepyrazolyl]