
Michael Krone, Katrin Bidmon, and Thomas Ertl. GPU-based Visualisation of Protein Secondary Structure. Proceedings of TP.CG'08, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 biovis sfb716-d4-ertl vis(us) vis-ertl vis-gis visus visus:bidmon visus:ertl visus:kroneml] URL

Michael Krone, Katrin Bidmon, and Thomas Ertl. GPU-based Visualisation of Protein Secondary Structure. Proceedings of TP.CG'08, 2008. [PUMA: 2008 visus vis-ertl sfb716-d4-ertl visus:kroneml vis(us) visus:ertl from:mueller visus:bidmon vis-gis biovis] URL

Michael Krone, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Thomas Ertl. Parallel Computation and Interactive Visualization of Time-varying Solvent Excluded Surfaces. International Conference On Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, (2010)ACM, 2010. [PUMA: 2010 biovis sfb716-d4-ertl vis(us) vis-ertl vis-gis visus visus:dachsbcn visus:ertl visus:kroneml vis-vc] URL

Michael Krone, Carsten Dachsbacher, and Thomas Ertl. Parallel Computation and Interactive Visualization of Time-varying Solvent Excluded Surfaces. International Conference On Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, (2010)ACM, 2010. [PUMA: vis-vc visus vis-ertl sfb716-d4-ertl visus:dachsbcn visus:kroneml vis(us) visus:ertl from:mueller 2010 vis-gis biovis] URL