
André Tomalka, Sven Weidner, Daniel Hahn, Wolfgang Seiberl, and Tobias Siebert. Cross-Bridges and Sarcomeric Non-cross-bridge Structures Contribute to Increased Work in Stretch-Shortening Cycles. In Tobias Siebert (Eds.), Frontiers in Physiology, (11)Frontiers Media SA, July 2020. [PUMA: contractile expenditure cross-bridge work rFD stretch rFE shortening PN2A-1 muscle inhibitor history-effects behavior] URL

Manuel Wild, Stefan Tenbohlen, and B. Quak. Comparison of Partial Discharge Behavior with Alternating Current and Damped Alternating Current at Different Frequencies. 513-516, 2014. [PUMA: Comparison Partial Alternating Behavior Frequencies Current Damped Discharge Different] URL

Maria Wirzberger, Anastasia Lado, Mike Prentice, Ivan Oreshnikov, Jean-Claude Passy, Adrian Stock, and Falk Lieder. Optimal feedback improves behavioral focus during self-regulated computer-based work. Research Square Platform LLC, September 2023. [PUMA: feedback myown software focus distractions self-regulation MDP attention behavior] URL