
Martin Alk�mper, Andreas Dedner, Robert Kl�fkorn, and Martin Nolte. The DUNE-ALUGrid Module.. Archive of Numerical Software, (4)1:1--28, 2016. [PUMA: Balancing, Load grid, DUNE Numerical software, vorlaeufig Adaptive-parallel] URL

Maria Wirzberger, Robert Herms, Shirin Esmaeili Bijarsari, Maximilian Eibl, and Günter Daniel Rey. Schema-related cognitive load influences performance, speech, and physiology in a dual-task setting: A continuous multi-measure approach. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, Springer Nature, 2018. [PUMA: myown cognition load schemata dual-task learning]

M. Ma, H. Chen, X. Liu, and F Allgöwer. Distributed model predictive load frequency control of multi-area interconnected power system. Int. J. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, (62):289 - 298, 2014. [PUMA: Load frequency control from:ist_bib]

Holger Hinz, and Werner Sobek. Hülle mit vielen Aufgaben - Textilfassade. Fassadentechnik, (23)6:20--25, 2017. [PUMA: design, damping, endurance, test simulation, Anforderung, textile weathering earthquake oscillatory tissue, Schwingungsdämpfung, Turmbauwerk, planning wind Pendel, Planungsanforderung, special Stahlbetonturm, Betonplatte, Witterungsschutz requirement, ground Glasfasergewebe, Schwerlastanker, material, proof, Baden-Württemberg, anchor, Fassadengestaltung, heavy-load application, tower, facade Rottweil(11), fastener, vibration viewing structure, Belastungssimulation, Schwingungserregung, Nachweis, Fassadenverkleidung, Temperaturspannung, load feature, area-measured Tragwerksbemessung, tower temperature Testanlage, protection, sobek stress, Erdbebensimulation, Krafteinleitung, loading reinforced Werner Befestigungselement, pendulum, Flächengebilde, Bundesrepublik, impulse, Sobek, Dauerfestigkeit, (Planer), slab, Besonderheit, facing, platform, force glass-fiber concrete Betonkonstruktion, Windbelastung, building Baugrundeigenschaft, function, structures, Textiles Gebäudehülle, Deutschland, shape, installation, of dimensioning property, Funktion, capacity, Aussichtsplattform,]

Maria Wirzberger, Shirin Esmaeili Bijarsari, and Günter Daniel Rey. Embedded interruptions and task complexity influence schema-related cognitive load progression in an abstract learning task. Acta Psychologica, (179):30--41, Elsevier, 2017. [PUMA: myown interruptions cognition load schemata learning]

M. Ma, H. Chen, X. Liu, and F Allgöwer. Distributed model predictive load frequency control of multi-area interconnected power system. Int.\ J.\ Electrical Power & Energy Systems, (62):289 - 298, 2014. [PUMA: Load frequency unchecked control]

Yanan Guo, Gokhan Serhat, Marta Gil Pérez, and Jan Knippers. Maximizing buckling load of elliptical composite cylinders using lamination parameters. Engineering Structures, (262):114342, Elsevier, July 2022. [PUMA: guo buckling using gil Maximizing knippers 2022 engineering cylinders lamination elliptical itke load composite serhat parameters] URL

Maria Wirzberger, Jelmer P Borst, Josef F Krems, and Günter Daniel Rey. Memory-related cognitive load effects in an interrupted learning task: A model-based explanation. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 100139, Elsevier, 2020. [PUMA: myown memory modeling instruction cognition load learning]

Maria Wirzberger, Jelmer P Borst, Josef F Krems, and Günter Daniel Rey. Memory-related cognitive load effects in an interrupted learning task: A model-based explanation. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 100139, Elsevier, 2020. [PUMA: myown modeling ACT-R cognition load learning llis]

M. Ma, H. Chen, X. Liu, and F Allgöwer. Distributed model predictive load frequency control of multi-area interconnected power system. Int. J. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, (62):289 - 298, 2014. [PUMA: Load frequency control]

Maria Wirzberger. Warum Lernen (manchmal mehr, manchmal weniger) anstrengend ist. Das In-Mind Magazin, (1)2021. [PUMA: myown modeling cognition load learning llis] URL

Benjamin Kromoser, Oliver Gericke, and Werner Sobek. Implants for load introduction into thin-walled CFRP-reinforced UHPC beams. Composite Structures, (194):178--187, 2018. [PUMA: concrete Load sobek in reinforcement, for UHPC, concrete, thin Implants walled engineering, introduction CFRP Thin]

Benjamin Kromoser, Oliver Gericke, Mathias Hammerl, and Werner Sobek. Second-generation implants for load introduction into thin-walled CFRP-reinforced UHPC beams: implant optimisation and investigations of production technologies. Materials, (12)23:3973, 2019. [PUMA: construction, thin-walled concrete sobek in reinforcement, sustainable for metal UHPC, concrete, engineering implants structures, elements load CFRP, introduction CFRP]

Julia L. Wagner, Kevin Schmidt, Michael Böhm, and Oliver Sawodny. Optimal Actuator Placement and Static Load Compensation for Euler-Bernoulli Beams with Spatially Distributed Inputs. IFAC-PapersOnLine, (52)15:489--494, 2019. [PUMA: static actuator load placement] URL

Maria Wirzberger, Maik Beege, Sascha Schneider, Steve Nebel, and Günter Daniel Rey. One for all?! Simultaneous examination of load-inducing factors for advancing media-related instructional research. Computers & Education, (100):18--31, Elsevier BV, 2016. [PUMA: myown instruction cognition load learning media]

Tankut Yalcinoz, and Krzysztof Rudion. Multi-objective Environmental-economic Load Dispatch Considering Generator Constraints and Wind Power Using Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization. AECE Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, (20)4:3-10, November 2020. [PUMA: Using Load Dispatch Multi-objective Wind Constraints Optimizationsend:unibiblio Considering Particle Environmental-economic Improved Swarm Generator Power]

Yanan Guo, Gokhan Serhat, Marta Gil Pérez, and Jan Knippers. Maximizing buckling load of elliptical composite cylinders using lamination parameters. Engineering Structures, (262):114342, Elsevier, July 2022. [PUMA: guo buckling using gil Maximizing knippers 2022 engineering cylinders lamination elliptical itke from:petraheim load composite serhat parameters] URL

David S. Ryan, Norman Stutzig, Andreas Helmer, Tobias Siebert, and James M. Wakeling. The Effect of Multidirectional Loading on Contractions of the M. Medial Gastrocnemius. In Tobias Siebert (Eds.), Frontiers in Physiology, (11)Frontiers Media SA, January 2021. [PUMA: sonography dynamics muscle load transverse contraction architecture compression ultrasound] URL

M. M. Duval, I. Hoehlein, F. Scatiggio, M. Cyr, M. Grisaru, Rainer Frotscher, M. Martins, L. Bates, P. Boman, A.C. Hall, G. Wilson, L. Arvidsson, M. Szebeni, K. Carrander, H. Athanassatou, A.M. Haug, A. Moellmann, H.J. Knab, J. VanPeteghem, G. Buchgraber, Stefan Tenbohlen, R. Maina, B. Pahlavanpour, P. McShane, C. Myers, R. Martin, and Z. Wang. DGA in Non-Mineral Oils and Load Tap Changers and Improved DGA Diagnosis Criteria. Electra, 253:85-89, December 2010. [PUMA: Load Tap Non-Mineral Oils Criteria Diagnosis Changers DGA Improved]

Kathrin Walz, Krzysztof Rudion, and al. et. Load Modelling and Distribution Planning in the Era of Electric Mobility.. CIRED Technical Report 2018-1, July 2021. [PUMA: Distribution the Load Era in of and Mobility. Electric Planning Modelling]