
Sebastian Hecker, Markus Blothe, and Thomas Graf. Reproducible process regimes during glass welding by bursts ofsubpicosecond laser pulses. Appl. Opt., (59)36:11382-11388, OSA, December 2020. [PUMA: glass laser laser_weldingsend:unibiblio myown peer welding] URL

Sebastian Hecker, Markus Blothe, and Thomas Graf. Reproducible process regimes during glass welding by bursts ofsubpicosecond laser pulses. Appl. Opt., (59)36:11382-11388, OSA, December 2020. [PUMA: laser_weldingsend:unibiblio myown welding glass laser peer from:thomas_graf] URL

Sebastian Hecker, Markus Blothe, Daniel Grossmann, and Thomas Graf. Process regimes during welding of glass by femtosecond laser pulse bursts. Appl. Opt., (59)22:6452--6458, OSA, August 2020. [PUMA: from:thomas_graf glass laser myown peer welding] URL

Sebastian Hecker, Markus Blothe, Daniel Grossmann, and Thomas Graf. Process regimes during welding of glass by femtosecond laser pulse bursts. Appl. Opt., (59)22:6452--6458, OSA, August 2020. [PUMA: glass laser myown peer welding] URL

Sebastian Hecker, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. Position sensing of ultrashort pulsed laser-welded seams in glass by optical coherence tomography. Journal of Laser Applications, (32)2:022003, 2020. [PUMA: glass laser myown peer welding]

Sebastian Hecker, Rudolf Weber, and Thomas Graf. Position sensing of ultrashort pulsed laser-welded seams in glass by optical coherence tomography. Journal of Laser Applications, (32)2:022003, 2020. [PUMA: myown welding glass laser peer from:thomas_graf]