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E. O'Keefe. 20 - Egoism & the crisis in Western values. n.d.. [PUMA: apa imported cannot_import apa-examples book test must_be_fixed_after_export] URL

Max Mustermann. Buchtitel1. Reihe, (Band)NummerVerlag, Adresse, 1999. [PUMA: imported mytag test]

22 - Perspectives on the community college: A journey of discovery. In N. Thomas (Eds.), 2002. [PUMA: apa imported apa-examples book test] URL

23 - Psychology: A study of science. In S. Koch (Eds.), (1-6)McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1959-1963. [PUMA: apa imported cannot_import apa-examples book test must_be_fixed_after_export]

Reinhard Reichel. The Importance of Appropriate Systems and Software Engineering for Avionics Systems from the Academic Perspective. 1st Workshop on Software Engineering for Avionics Systems (AVIOSE19), Stuttgart, February 2019. [PUMA: imported mytag test ils]

G. R. Schiraldi. 19b - The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to healing, recovery, and growth. 2001. [PUMA: apa imported apa-examples book test]

George C. Hsiao, and Wolfgang L. Wendland. Boundary integral equations XYZ. Applied mathematical sciences, 164Springer, 2021 2021. [PUMA: test]

No One. Book with attachments. In No One (Eds.), 2020. [PUMA: mytag test]

Autor. Buchtitel2. Reihe, (Band)NummerVerlag, Location, 1999. [PUMA: imported test]

Autor. Buchtitel1. Reihe, (Band)NummerVerlag, Location, 1999. [PUMA: imported test]

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Autor. Buch-Titel (Aufgeräumt v2, ohne Herausgeber). Reihe, (Band)NummerVerlag, Adresse, Monat 1999. [PUMA: IKTD mytag test test-case]

27 - APA dictionary of psychology. In G. R. VandenBos (Eds.), American Psychological Associtation, Washington, DC, 2007. [PUMA: apa imported apa-examples book test]

John Muellbauer. 36 - Housing, credit and consumer expenditure. Housing and consumer behavior, Jackson Hole, WY, September 2007. [PUMA: apa imported test meeting]

Edward K. Strong Jr., and Richard S. Uhrbrock. Bibliography on job analysis. In L. Outhwaite (Eds.), Personnel Research Series: Vol. 1. Job analysis and the curriculum, 140--146, 1923. [PUMA: imported mytag test]

S. Freud. 21 - The method of interpreting dreams: An analysis of a specimen dream. In J. Strachey (Eds.), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, (4):96-121, 1953. [PUMA: apa imported apa-examples book test] URL

Edwar K. Strong, Jr., and Richard S. Uhrbrock. 24 - Bibliography on job analysis. In L. Outhwaite (Eds.), Job analysis and the curriculum, (1):140-146, 1923. [PUMA: apa imported apa-examples book test]