
Asim Abdulkhaleq, Markus Baumeister, Hagen Böhmert, and Stefan Wagner. Missing no Interaction – Using STPA for Identifying Hazardous Interactions of Automated Driving Systems. International Journal of Safety Science, (2)1:115-124, 2018. [PUMA: myown safety automotive iste-se] URL

Asim Abdulkhaleq, Daniel Lammering, Stefan Wagner, Jürgen Röder, Norbert Balbierer, Ludwig Ramsauer, Thomas Raste, and Hagen Boehmert. A Systematic Approach Based on STPA for Developing a Dependable Architecture for Fully Automated Driving Vehicles. Procedia Engineering, (179):41-51, 2017. [PUMA: myown open-access]

Asim Abdulkhaleq, and Stefan Wagner. Integrated Safety Analysis Using Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis and Software Model Checking. In Floor Koornneef, and Coen van Gulijk (Eds.), Computer safety, reliability, and security : 34th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2015, (9337):121-134, Springer, 2015. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Asim Abdulkhaleq, and Stefan Wagner. A controlled experiment for the empirical evaluation of safety analysis techniques for safety-critical software. In Jian Lv, He Jason Zhang, and Muhammad Ali Babar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, 16:1-16:10, ACM, New York, NY, 2015. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Asim Abdulkhaleq, and Stefan Wagner. Integrating State Machine Analysis with System-Theoretic Process Analysis. In Stefan Wagner, and Horst Lichter (Eds.), Software Engineering (Workshops), (215):501-514, GI, 2013. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Asim Abdulkhaleq, and Stefan Wagner. A Software Safety Verification Method Based on System-Theoretic Process Analysis. In Andrea Bondavalli, Andrea Ceccarelli, and Frank Ortmeier (Eds.), Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security - SAFECOMP 2014 Workshops: ASCoMS, DECSoS, DEVVARTS, ISSE, ReSA4CI, SASSUR, (8696):401-412, Springer, 2014. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Asim Abdulkhaleq, Stefan Wagner, Daniel Lammering, Hagen Boehmert, and Pierre Blueher. Using STPA in Compliance with ISO 26262 for Developing a Safe Architecture for Fully Automated Vehicles. Proc. Automotive - Safety & Security 2017, GI, 2017. [PUMA: myown iste-se]

Asim Abdulkhaleq, Stefan Wagner, and Nancy Leveson. A comprehensive safety engineering approach for software-intensive systems based on STPA. Procedia engineering, (abs/1612.03109)Elsevier, Amsterdam [u.a.], 2015. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Jaume Abella, Sergi Alcaide, Jens Anders, Francisco Bas, Steffen Becker, Elke De Mulder, Nourhan Elhamawy, Frank K. Gürkaynak, Helena Handschuh, Carles Hernandez, Mike Hutter, Leonidas Kosmidis, Ilia Polian, Matthias Sauer, Stefan Wagner, and Francesco Regazzoni. Security, Reliability and Test Aspects of the RISC-V Ecosystem. 2021 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), 1-10, 2021. [PUMA: myown software-quality iste-se]

Lutz Ashauer, Uwe Breitenbücher, Ana Cristina Franco da Silva, O. G. Gemein, T. Günther, M. Hahn, K. Képes, E. Kleinod, Oliver Kopp, Frank Leymann, Andreas Liebing, Bernhard Mitschang, Niehues, D. Olschewski, K. Semmler, Ronald Steinke, J. van Well, and Martin Viertel. Sichere internetbasierte Vermarktung cyber-physischer Systeme mit SmartOrchestra. Sichere Plattformarchitekturen - Rechtliche Herausforderungen und technische Lösungsansätze, Begleitforschung Smart Service Welt - Internetbasierte Dienste für die Wirtschaft, 2019. [PUMA: imported myown]

Mariana Avezum, Andreas Seitz, Stefan Wagner, and Bernd Bruegge. Interdisciplinary System Courses - Teaching Agile Systems Engineering.. In Stephan Krusche, Kurt Schneider, Marco Kuhrmann, Robert Heinrich, Reiner Jung, Marco Konersmann, Eric Schmieders, Steffen Helke, Ina Schaefer, Andreas Vogelsang, Björn Annighöfer, Andreas Schweiger, Marina Reich, and André van Hoorn (Eds.), Software Engineering (Workshops), (2308):11-18,, 2019. [PUMA: myown agile iste-se] URL

Sebastian Baltes, and Stefan Wagner. Empirical Research Plan: Effects of Sketching on Program Comprehension. In Helen Sharp, and Tracy Hall (Eds.), XP, (251):281-285, Springer, 2016. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Marvin Muñoz Barón, Marvin Wyrich, Daniel Graziotin, and Stefan Wagner. Evidence Profiles for Validity Threats in Program Comprehension Experiments. 2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 1907--1919, IEEE, Melbourne, Australia, May 2023. [PUMA: imported iste-se]

Marvin Muñoz Barón, Marvin Wyrich, and Stefan Wagner. An Empirical Validation of Cognitive Complexity as a Measure of Source Code Understandability. Proceedings of the 14th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), ACM, October 2020. [PUMA: myown complexity code-measurement iste-se] URL

Software Engineering and Software Management, SE/SWM 2019, Stuttgart, Germany, February 18-22, 2019. In Steffen Becker, Ivan Bogicevic, Georg Herzwurm, and Stefan Wagner (Eds.), (P-292)2019. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Maik Betka, and Stefan Wagner. Extreme mutation testing in practice: An industrial case study. 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation in Software Test (AST), IEEE, 2021. [PUMA: myown software-test iste-se]

Maik Betka, and Stefan Wagner. Towards practical application of mutation testing in industry -- Traditional versus extreme mutation testing. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2022. [PUMA: myown software-test iste-se]

Maik Betka, and Stefan Wagner. Towards practical application of mutation testing in industry — Traditional versus extreme mutation testing. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, (34)11:e2450, 2022. [PUMA: mutation myown code-coverage from:wagnerst software-testing iste-ese iste-se] URL

Maik Betka, and Stefan Wagner. Towards practical application of mutation testing in industry — Traditional versus extreme mutation testing. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, (34)11:e2450, 2022. [PUMA: mutation myown code-coverage software-testing iste-ese iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner. Towards an Evolvability Assurance Method for Service-Based Systems. PhD Symposium of the 7th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC'18), Como, Italy, 2018. [PUMA: imported myown iste-se]

Justus Bogner. Towards an Evolvability Assurance Method for Service-Based Systems. PhD Symposium of the 7th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC'18), Como, Italy, 2018. [PUMA: myown iste-se]

Justus Bogner. On the Evolvability Assurance of Microservices: Metrics, Scenarios, and Patterns. 2020. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Tobias Boceck, Matthias Popp, Dennis Tschechlov, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Towards a Collaborative Repository for the Documentation of Service-Based Antipatterns and Bad Smells. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), 95--101, IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, March 2019. [PUMA: myown services iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Tobias Boceck, Matthias Popp, Dennis Tschechlov, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Towards a Collaborative Repository for the Documentation of Service-Based Antipatterns and Bad Smells. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), 95--101, IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, March 2019. [PUMA: imported myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Tobias Boceck, Matthias Popp, Dennis Tschechlov, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Towards a Collaborative Repository for the Documentation of Service-Based Antipatterns and Bad Smells. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), 95--101, IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, March 2019. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Bhupendra Choudhary, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Towards a Generalizable Comparison of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented and Service-Oriented Applications. Workshop Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC'18), (1115)Como, Italy, 2018. [PUMA: myown services iste-se maintainability]

Justus Bogner, Bhupendra Choudhary, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Towards a Generalizable Comparison of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented and Service-Oriented Applications. Workshop Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC'18), Como, Italy, 2018. [PUMA: imported myown iste-se]

Justus Bogner, Bhupendra Choudhary, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Towards a Generalizable Comparison of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented and Service-Oriented Applications. Workshop Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC'18), Como, Italy, 2018. [PUMA: myown iste-se]

Justus Bogner, Carolin Dehner, Tobias Vincon, and Ilia Petrov. Real time charging database benchmarking. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications &Services - iiWAS '15, 1--5, ACM Press, New York, New York, USA, 2015. [PUMA: myown] URL

Justus Bogner, Carolin Dehner, Tobias Vincon, and Ilia Petrov. Real time charging database benchmarking. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications &Services - iiWAS '15, 1--5, ACM Press, New York, New York, USA, 2015. [PUMA: myown] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Microservices in Industry: Insights into Technologies, Characteristics, and Software Quality. ICSA Companion, 187-195, IEEE, 2019. [PUMA: myown microservices iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Assuring the Evolvability of Microservices: Insights into Industry Practices and Challenges. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), IEEE, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2019. [PUMA: imported myown iste-se]

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Assuring the Evolvability of Microservices: Insights into Industry Practices and Challenges. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), IEEE, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2019. [PUMA: myown microservices iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Limiting Technical Debt with Maintainability Assurance: An Industry Survey on Used Techniques and Differences with Service- and Microservice-Based Systems. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Technical Debt - TechDebt '18, 125--133, ACM Press, New York, New York, USA, 2018. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Assuring the Evolvability of Microservices: Insights into Industry Practices and Challenges. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 546--556, IEEE, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, September 2019. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Limiting Technical Debt with Maintainability Assurance – An Industry Survey on Used Techniques and Differences with Service- and Microservice-Based Systems. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt'18), ACM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018. [PUMA: myown technical-debt soa survey microservices iste-se maintainability] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Microservices in Industry: Insights into Technologies, Characteristics, and Software Quality. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), 187--195, IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, March 2019. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Assuring the Evolvability of Microservices: Insights into Industry Practices and Challenges. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), (abs/1906.05013):546--556, IEEE, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, September 2019. [PUMA: myown microservices] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Limiting Technical Debt with Maintainability Assurance – An Industry Survey on Used Techniques and Differences with Service- and Microservice-Based Systems. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt'18), ACM, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018. [PUMA: imported myown iste-se]

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Microservices in Industry: Insights into Technologies, Characteristics, and Software Quality. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), 187-195, IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, March 2019. [PUMA: microservices] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Microservices in Industry: Insights into Technologies, Characteristics, and Software Quality. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA-C), 187--195, IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, March 2019. [PUMA: imported myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Limiting Technical Debt with Maintainability Assurance: An Industry Survey on Used Techniques and Differences with Service- and Microservice-Based Systems. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Technical Debt - TechDebt '18, 125--133, ACM Press, New York, New York, USA, 2018. [PUMA: microservices] URL

Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Industry practices and challenges for the evolvability assurance of microservices. Empirical Software Engineering, (26)5:104, Springer, July 2021. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, and Manuel Merkel. To Type or Not to Type? A Systematic Comparison of the Software Quality of JavaScript and TypeScript Applications on GitHub. 2022 IEEE/ACM 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 658--669, May 2022. [PUMA: myown iste-se]

Justus Bogner, Steffen Schlinger, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. A Modular Approach to Calculate Service-Based Maintainability Metrics from Runtime Data of Microservices. In Xavier Franch, Tomi Männistö, and Silverio Martínez-Fernández (Eds.), 20th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES'19), (11915):489-496, Springer, 2019. [PUMA: myown microservices iste-se maintainability] URL

Justus Bogner, Steffen Schlinger, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. A Modular Approach to Calculate Service-Based Maintainability Metrics from Runtime Data of Microservices. 20th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES'19), 489--496, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Barcelona, Spain, 2019. [PUMA: imported myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Steffen Schlinger, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. A Modular Approach to Calculate Service-Based Maintainability Metrics from Runtime Data of Microservices. 20th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES'19), 489--496, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Barcelona, Spain, 2019. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Roberto Verdecchia, and Ilias Gerostathopoulos. Characterizing Technical Debt and Antipatterns in AI-Based Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study. 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt), 64--73, IEEE, May 2021. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Using architectural modifiability tactics to examine evolution qualities of Service- and Microservice-Based Systems. SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems, (34)2-3:141--149, June 2019. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL

Justus Bogner, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann. Scenario-based Evolvability Analysis of Service-oriented Systems: A Lightweight and Tool-supported Method. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, 204--215, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Prague, Czech Republic, 2020. [PUMA: myown iste-se] URL