
Yosandra Sandoval, Dennis Hoppe, Dmitry Khabi, Michael Gienger, Christoph Kessler, Lu Li, Usman Dastgeer, Phuong Ha, Ibrahim Umar, Vi Tran, Anders Gidenstam, Philippas Tsigas, Paul Renaud-Goud, und Ivan Walulya. EXCESS: Execution Models for Energy-Efficient Computing Systems. PODC, (Energy Efficient Distributed and Parallel Computing)2015. [PUMA: EXCESS myown Analysis Monitoring Performance Energy-Efficiency Parallel Computing]

Dennis Hoppe, Yosandra Sandoval, und Michael Gienger. ATOM: A Near-Real Time Monitoring Framework for HPC and Embedded Systems. PODC, (Energy Efficient Distributed and Parallel Computing)2015. [PUMA: EXCESS myown Analysis Real-time Monitoring Performance Energy-Efficiency]

David Garcia-Perez, Juan Lorenzo, Yahya Al-Hazmi, Josep Martrat, Kostas Kavoussanakis, Ally Hume, Celia Velayos, Giada Landi, Tim Wauters, Michael Gienger, und David Margery. Cloud and Network facilities federation in BonFIRE. FedICI, 2013. [PUMA: myown BonFIRE Performance Network Clouds Federation]

Flavio C. C. Galeazzo, Marta Garcia-Gasulla, Elisabetta Boella, Josep Pocurull, Sergey Lesnik, Henrik Rusche, Simone Bnà, Matteo Cerminara, Federico Brogi, Filippo Marchetti, Daniele Gregori, R. Gregor Weiß, und Andreas Ruopp. Performance Comparison of CFD Microbenchmarks on Diverse HPC Architectures. Computers, (13)52024. [PUMA: CFD OpenFOAM myown computer performance benchmark] URL

Michael Gienger. High Performance Computing in the Cloud: A Survey on Performance and Usability. Sustained Simulation Performance 2015: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, 29-40, Springer, 2015. [PUMA: myown Analysis Monitoring Performance Clouds Benchmarking HPC]

Alexey Cheptsov, und Bastian Koller. Leveraging High-Performance Computing Infrastructures to Web Data Analytic Applications by Means of Message-Passing Interface. 2015. [PUMA: OMPIJava Parallelisation Performance MPI Data-as-a-Service]

P. Daus, A. Ruopp, F. Biskup, und R. Arlitt. Performance prediction of a tidal in-stream current energy converter. 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Book of Proceedings, 2014, Porto -Portugal, 14-16 April 2014. [PUMA: Performance hlrs Assessment Simulation Tidal Turbines Energy Current]

Alexandru Calotoiu, Torsten Hoefler, Marius Poke, und Felix Wolf. Using Automated Performance Modeling to Find Scalability Bugs in Complex Codes. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 45:1--45:12, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2013. [PUMA: myown modeling Scalasca analysis performance scalability] URL

Peter Wauligmann, Jakob Dürrwächter, Philipp Offenhäuser, Adrian Schlottke, Martin Bernreuther, und Björn Dick. Node-level Performance Optimizations in CFD Codes. HPC Asia 2021: The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region Companion, 7-8, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States, Januar 2021. [PUMA: CFD Performance Node-level optimizations]

Marius Poke, und Torsten Hoefler. DARE: High-Performance State Machine Replication on RDMA Networks. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, 107--118, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2015. [PUMA: myown RDMA Performance RSM Reliability] URL