
Nelusa Pathmanathan, Tobias Rau, Xiliu Yang, Aimée Sousa Calepso, Felix Amtsberg, Achim Menges, Michael Sedlmair, und Kuno Kurzhals. Eyes on the Task: Gaze Analysis of Situated Visualization for Collaborative Tasks. 2024 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 785-795, 2024. [PUMA: peer rp28]

Samuel Beck, Nina Doerr, Kuno Kurzhals, Alexander Riedlinger, Fabian Schmierer, Michael Sedlmair, und Steffen Koch. ChoreoVis: Planning and Assessing Formations in Dance Choreographies. 2024. URL

Nina Doerr, Benjamin Lee, Katarina Baricova, Dieter Schmalstieg, und Michael Sedlmair. Visual Highlighting for Situated Brushing and Linking. 2024. URL

Yuliang Ma, Philipp Grimmeisen, und Andrey Morozov. Case Study: ROS-Based Fault Injection for Risk Analysis of Robotic Manipulator. 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 1-6, 2023. [PUMA: 2023ias ias]

Ridvan Karaman, Zhetao Dong, Kurt Drachenberg, Katja Rinderspacher, Christoph Zechmeister, Ozgur Oguz, und Achim Menges. Augmenting Design: Solving design problems using generative deep learning frameworks with multiple objectives. In Behnaz Farahi, Biayna Bogosian, Jane Scott, Jose Luis García del Castillo y López, Kathrin Dörfler, June A. Grant, Stefana Parascho, und Vernelle A. A. Noel (Hrsg.), Realignments: Toward Critical Computation - ACADIA 2021, 2021. [PUMA: peer]