
Florian Bienert, Thomas Graf, und Marwan Abdou Ahmed. High-precision measurement of the period chirp of pulse compression gratings. Laser Congress 2023 (ASSL, LAC), ATu2A.3, Optica Publishing Group, 2023. [PUMA: high myown chirp period precision interference measurement] URL

Julian Holland, Rudolf Weber, Marc Sailer, und Thomas Graf. Pulse duration dependency of the x-ray emission during materials processing with ultrashort laser pulses. 2022. [PUMA: myown laser xRay ukp]

Julian Holland, Rudolf Weber, Marc Sailer, und Thomas Graf. Pulse duration dependency of the x-ray emission during materials processing with ultrashort laser pulses. 2022. [PUMA: laser myown ukp xRay]

Kathrin Placzek, Daniel Holder, Oliver Schwarz, Christian Hagenlocher, Rudolf Weber, und Thomas Graf. Laser micromachining of biomimetic structures with ultrashort laser pulses for passive transport of lubricants in milling tools. 2023. [PUMA: fluid-transport grooves laser-micromachining microchannels myown]

Kathrin Placzek, Daniel Holder, Oliver Schwarz, Christian Hagenlocher, Rudolf Weber, und Thomas Graf. Laser micromachining of biomimetic structures with ultrashort laser pulses for passive transport of lubricants in milling tools. 2023. [PUMA: myown grooves fluid-transport laser-micromachining microchannels]