
Alexandra Voit, Dominik Weber, Amil Imeri, Annika Eidner, Anton Tsoulos, Daniel Koch, Kai Chen, Marcus Rottschäfer, Robin Schweiker, Steven Söhnel, Valentino Sabbatino, and Niels Henze. Exploration of a Multi-Device Smart Calendar Platform for Smart Homes. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, 403-410, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2018. [PUMA: daan bmbf vis-sks vis vis(us) vis-mci visus:henzens visus:voitaa visus:weberdk tiger-generation:638627570979998088] URL

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Karsten Schatz, Michael Krone, Jürgen Pleiss, and Thomas Ertl. Interactive visualization of biomolecules' dynamic and complex properties. In Christian Holm, Thomas Ertl, S. Schmauder, J. Kästner, and J. Groß (Eds.), The European Physical Journal (Special Topics), 14:1725-1739, 2019. [PUMA: visus vis(us) sfb716-d4-ertl sfb716-d4 sfb716-d sfb716 sfb dfg sfb716-d4-pleiss visus:kroneml visus:ertl visus:schatzkn tiger-generation:638627570979998088] URL

Patrick Gralka, Michael Becher, Matthias Braun, Florian Frieß, Christoph Müller, Tobias Rau, Karsten Schatz, Christoph Schulz, Michael Krone, Guido Reina, and Thomas Ertl. MegaMol – a comprehensive prototyping framework for visualizations. The European Physical Journal (Special Topics), 14:1817-1829, 2019. [PUMA: sfb716 sfb dfg sfb716-d4 sfb716-d megamol sfb716-d3 sfb716-d4-ertl vis(us) visus scientific-visualisation visualisation visus:gralkapk visus:becherml visus:friessfn visus:rauts visus:schulzch visus:schatzkn visus:reina visus:ertl visus:mueller visus:kroneml visus:braunms tiger-generation:638627570979998088] URL