
Tilman Dingler, and Niels Henze. That’s the Dog from my Wedding – Algorithms for Memory Shaping. Proceedings of the CHI Workshop on Designing Technology for Major Life Events, 2014, (2014)2014. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-mci vis vis-sks visus:henzens visus:dingletn tiger-generation:638624010530648390]

Tilman Dingler, Alireza Sahami, and Niels Henze. There is More to Wellbeing than Health Data – Holistic Lifelogging through Memory Capture. Proceedings of the CHI Workshop on Beyond Quantified Self: Data for Wellbeing, 2014, (2014)2014. [PUMA: vis-sks vis vis(us) vis-mci visus:dingletn visus:henzens visus:sahamiaa tiger-generation:638624010530648390]

Florian Haag, Thomas Schlegel, and Thomas Ertl. A Time-Location-Based Itinerary Visualization. In José Braz, Andreas Kerren, and Lars Linsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP 2015), (2015)SCITEPRESS, 2015. [PUMA: vis(us) vis-gis vis visus:schlegel visus:haagfn visus:ertl tiger-generation:638624010530648390]

Robert Krüger, Dominik Herr, Florian Haag, and Thomas Ertl. Inspector-Gadget: Integrating Data Preprocessing and Orchestration in the Visual Analysis Loop. International Workshop on Visual Analytics EuroVA, 2015. [PUMA: vis-gis vis vis(us) visus:ertl visus:herrdk visus:haagfn visus:kruegert tiger-generation:638624010530648390]

Katrin Scharnowski, Sebastian Boblest, and Thomas Ertl. Improved Sparse Seeding for 3D Electrostatic Field Lines. In E. Bertini, J. Kennedy, and E. Puppo (Eds.), EuroVis 2015 Short Papers, The Eurographics Association, 2015. [PUMA: vis-gis vis vis(us) visus vis-ertl visus:ertl visus:scharnkn visus:boblessn tiger-generation:638624010530648390] URL