
Michael Wörner, and Thomas Ertl. Visual Analysis of Advanced Manufacturing Simulations. International Workshop on Visual Analytics EuroVA, (2011)2011. [PUMA: vis-gis vis vis(us) visus:woerneml visus:ertl tiger-generation:638626622095090349] URL

Michael Burch, Peter Fritz, Fabian Beck, and Stephan Diehl. TimeSpiderTrees: A Novel Visual Metaphor for Dynamic Compound Graphs. VL/HCC ‘10: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, 2010. [PUMA: vis(us) visus visus:beckfn visus:burchml visus:diehlsn tiger-generation:638626622095090349] URL

Stephan Diehl, Fabian Beck, and Michael Burch. Uncovering Strengths and Weaknesses of Radial Visualizations---an Empirical Approach. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (16)62010. [PUMA: visus vis(us) visus:diehlsn visus:burchml visus:beckfn tiger-generation:638626622095090349] URL

Martin Greilich, Michael Burch, and Stephan Diehl. Visualizing the Evolution of Compound Digraphs with TimeArcTrees. Comput. Graph. Forum, (28)32009. [PUMA: vis(us) visus visus:burchml visus:diehlsn tiger-generation:638626622095090349]

Michael Burch, and Stephan Diehl. Visualizing Dynamic Compound Digraphs. Comput. Graph. Forum, (27)32008. [PUMA: visus vis(us) visus:diehlsn visus:burchml tiger-generation:638626622095090349]