
Wei Yu, Sheng Tao Zhou, Frank Lemmer, and Po Wen Cheng. Control co-design optimization of floating offshore wind turbines with tuned liquid multi-column dampers. Wind energy science, (9)4:1053-1068, Copernicus Publications, 2024. [PUMA: f2023 gold oafonds ubs_10006 ubs_20010 ubs_30093 ubs_40324 unibiblio]

Pascal Weihing, Marion Cormier, Thorsten Lutz, and Ewald Krämer. The near-wake development of a wind turbine operating in stalled conditions : Part 1: Assessment of numerical models. Wind energy science, (9)4:933-962, Copernicus Publications, 2024. [PUMA: f2023 gold oafonds ubs_10006 ubs_20010 ubs_30091 ubs_40136 unibiblio]

Sebastian Höpfl, Mohamed Albadry, Uta Dahmen, Karl-Heinz Herrmann, Eva Marie Kindler, Matthias König, Jürgen Rainer Reichenbach, Hans-Michael Tautenhahn, Weiwei Wei, Wan-Ting Zhao, and Nicole Erika Radde. Bayesian modelling of time series data (BayModTS)—a FAIR workflow to process sparse and highly variable data. In Anthony Mathelier (Eds.), Bioinformatics, (40)5:btae312, May 2024. [PUMA: bayesian exc2075 graduateschool isa myown peerreviewed pn2] URL

Nilde Maçi, and Jan Hofmann. Influence on the Load-Displacement Behaviour of Steel-To-Concrete Connections with Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors. ce/papers, (6)1:471-481, Wiley, 2023. [PUMA: f2023 hybrid oafonds transform ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30029 ubs_40043 unibiblio]

Julian Lißner, and Felix Fritzen. Double U-Net: Improved multiscale modeling via fully convolutional neural networks. Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, (23)4:e202300205, Wiley, 2023. [PUMA: f2023 hybrid oafonds transform ubs_10002 ubs_20002 ubs_30024 ubs_40398 unibiblio]