
Thomas Engelhardt, und Carsten Dachsbacher. Granular Visibility Queries on the GPU. Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2009. [PUMA: vis-vc vis vis(us) visus visus:engelhts visus:dachsbcn tiger-generation:638629234945304864]

Sebastian Grottel, Carlos A. Dietrich, João Luiz Dihl Comba, und Thomas Ertl. Topological Extraction and Tracking of Defects in Crystal Structures. Springer, 2009. [PUMA: vis-gis vis vis(us) visus vis-ertl sfb716-d3 sfb716-d sfb716 sfb dfg visus:comba visus:grottel visus:ertl tiger-generation:638629234945304864]

Andreas Hub. Combination of the Indoor and Outdoor Navigation System TANIA with RFID Technology for Initialization and Object Recognition. Proceedings of the International Mobility Conference (IMC 2009); July 14-17 Marburg Germany, 2009. [PUMA: vis(us) visus vis-gis vis visus:hub tiger-generation:638629234945304864]

N. Hamaus, T. Paumard, Thomas Müller, S. Gillessen, F. Eisenhauer, S. Trippe, und R. Genzel. Prospects for testing the nature of Sgr A* s NIR flares on the basis of current VLT- and future VLTI-observations. The Astrophysical Journal, (692)2009. [PUMA: visus vis(us) visus:muelleta tiger-generation:638629234945304864]

Marcio Cabral, Sylvain Lefebvre, Carsten Dachsbacher, und George Drettakis. Structure-Preserving Reshape for Textured Architectural Scenes. Computer Graphics Forum, (28)2009. [PUMA: vis-vc vis vis(us) visus visus:dachsbcn tiger-generation:638629234945304864]