
Dominik Jäckle, Florian Stoffel, Sebastian Mittelstädt, Daniel A. Keim, und Harald Reiterer. Interpretation of Dimensionally-Reduced Crime Data: A Study with Untrained Domain Experts. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP), (3):164-175, 2017. [PUMA: sfbtrr161 sfb dfg c01 sfbtrr161-c sfbtrr161-a03 a03 sfbtrr161-a visus:keimdl visus:reiterhd tiger-generation:638625196887442659] URL

Michael Behrisch, Benjamin Bach, Michael Hund, Michael Delz, Laura von Rüden, Jean-Daniel Fekete, und Tobias Schreck. Magnostics: Image-Based Search of Interesting Matrix Views for Guided Network Exploration. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (23)1:31-40, 2017. [PUMA: sfbtrr161-a03 a03 sfbtrr161-a sfbtrr161 sfb dfg tiger-generation:638625196887442659] URL

Luka J. Debbeler, M. Gamp, Michael Blumenschein, Daniel A. Keim, und Britta Renner. Polarized But Illusory Beliefs About Tap and Bottled Water: A Product- and Consumer-Oriented Survey and Blind Tasting Experiment. Science of the Total Environment, (643):1400-1410, 2018. [PUMA: sfbtrr161 sfb dfg sfbtrr161-a03 a03 sfbtrr161-a visus:keimdl tiger-generation:638625196887442659] URL

Michael Blumenschein, Michael Behrisch, Stefanie Schmid, Simon Butscher, Deborah R. Wahl, Karoline Villinger, Britta Renner, Harald Reiterer, und Daniel A. Keim. SMARTexplore: Simplifying High-Dimensional Data Analysis through a Table-Based Visual Analytics Approach. In Remco Chang, Huamin Qu, und Tobias Schreck (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 36-47, IEEE, 2018. [PUMA: sfbtrr161-a03 a03 sfbtrr161-a sfbtrr161 sfb dfg c01 sfbtrr161-c visus:keimdl visus:reiterhd tiger-generation:638625196887442659] URL

Dominik Sacha, Matthias Kraus, Jürgen Bernard, Michael Behrisch, Tobias Schreck, Yuki Asano, und Daniel A. Keim. SOMFlow: Guided Exploratory Cluster Analysis with Self-Organizing Maps and Analytic Provenance. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (24)1:120-130, 2018. [PUMA: sfbtrr161-a03 a03 sfbtrr161-a sfbtrr161 sfb dfg visus:keimdl tiger-generation:638625196887442659] URL