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Reduced-order modeling framework using two-level neural networks, , and . PAMM, n/a (n/a): e202300061 (2023)Tactile Vocabulary for Tactile Displays., , and . WHC, page 574-575. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Distributed System as Internet of Things for a New Low-Cost, Air Pollution Wireless Monitoring on Real Time., , , , , , and . DS-RT, page 58-67. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)A Study of a Non-Linear Optimization Problem Using a Distributed Genetic Algorithm., , and . ICPP, Vol. 2, page 29-36. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)0-8186-7623-X.The importance of the sequential synthesis methodology in the optimal distillation sequences design., , , and . Comput. Chem. Eng., (2014)Binaural speech intelligibility through personal and non-personal HRTF via headphones, with added artificial noise and reverberation., , and . Speech Communication, (2018)Parametric Analysis of the Exergoeconomic Operation Costs, Environmental and Human Toxicity Indexes of the MF501F3 Gas Turbine., , , , and . Entropy, 18 (8): 286 (2016)Design and optimization of modified non-sharp column configurations for quaternary distillations., , and . Computers & Chemical Engineering, (2015)