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Scenario analysis for the role of sanitation infrastructures in integrated urban wastewater management., , , , , and . Environmental Modelling and Software, 24 (3): 371-380 (2009)Adaptives Diagnosesystem für Topographiemessungen von Schweißnähten. (March 2007)Bestimmung der Wärmeentwicklung beim optischen Pumpen von Halbleiter-Scheiben. (November 2005)A method for specifying and validating communication protocols in LOTOS., and . FORTE, volume C-10 of IFIP Transactions, page 247-262. North-Holland, (1992)An Industrial Experience on LOTOS-Based Prototyping for Switching Systems Design., , , , and . FME, volume 670 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 83-92. Springer, (1993)An Industrial Experience on Development with LOTOS and SDL., , , , , , and . FORTE, volume C-22 of IFIP Transactions, page 219-234. North-Holland, (1993)FDT based development of an interworking unit between LANs and X.25 networks., , , , , and . FORTE, volume 6 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 135-150. Chapman & Hall, (1994)Optimal configuration of roadside beacons in V2I communications., , and . Computer Networks, 55 (14): 3142-3153 (2011)Continuous Assessment in Civil Engineering Education - Yes, but with Some Conditions., , , and . CSEDU (2), page 103-109. SciTePress, (2014)The Internet as a Tool for Improving the Student Evaluation of Teaching., , and . CSEDU (2), page 412-419. INSTICC Press, (2010)