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Homodinuclear Complexes of [Cu(dppf)]+ or [Ru(bpy)2]2+ with 1,4-Bis(camphorquinoneimino)benzene (bcqb) as a Redox-Active Bridging Ligand, , , and . European journal of inorganic chemistry, 2021 (29): 2976-2985 (2021)Cobalt Carbonyl Hydrides with 1,1'-Diphosphinylferrocene Ligands - Structural and Electrochemical Diversity, , , and . Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 643 (23): 1971-1977 (2017)An Acyclic Diaminocarbene Complex of Platinum Formed by Desulfurization of 1,3-Bis(3-methylpyridin-2-yl)thiourea, , , , , , , and . European journal of inorganic chemistry, 2021 (24): 2425-2432 (2021)Metal-Metal Bridging Using the DPPP Dye System: Electronic Configurations within Multiple Redox Series, , , , , and . Inorganic chemistry, 56 (5): 2992-3004 (2017)Metalloradical compounds with 1,2-dipivaloylhydrazido ligands : electron transfer and alkylation/protonation effects, , , , , and . European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (2019)Metal-Chelating N,N'-Bis(4-dimethylaminophenyl)acetamidinyl Radical: A New Chromophore for the Near-Infrared Region, , , and . Chemistry - a European journal, 21 (35): 12275-12278 (2015)Complete and Partial Electron Transfer Involving Coordinated NOx. NOx related chemistry, 67, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (2015)A structurally characterised redox pair involving an indigo radical: indigo based redox activity in complexes with one or two [Ru(bpy)2] fragments, , , , , and . Dalton transactions, 46 (15): 5091-5102 (2017)A Stable Neutral Radical in the Coordination Sphere of Aluminum, , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). Angewandte Chemie. International edition, 56 (1): 397-400 (2017)A Route to Base Coordinate Silicon Difluoride and the Silicon Trifluoride Radical, , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). Chemistry : A European Journal, 24 (6): 1264-1268 (2018)