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Agent-Based Personal Article Citation Assistant., , and . IAT, page 702-705. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Modeling of dynamic trap density increase for aging simulation of any MOSFET circuits., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). ESSDERC, page 192-195. IEEE, (2017)Maßnahmen für eine verbesserte PV-Netzintegration / Measures for improved PV grid integration, , , , , and . (2011)On-Line Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Production Processes by Means of Near Infrared Spectrum with Hidden Markov Model., , , and . Control and Intelligent Systems, (2010)Allocating the transport subsidy based on the social contribution of public transport enterprises., , , , , and . ITSC, page 2562-2566. IEEE, (2014)Mobility-based sinknode-aided routing in disaster network under the background of big data., , and . Cluster Computing, 22 (5): 11583-11590 (2019)Numerical simulation on structure effects for linked cylindrical and spherical vessels., , , and . Simulation, 94 (9): 849-858 (2018)Modeling Sketching Primitives to Support Freehand Drawing Based on Context Awareness., , , and . Comput. Informatics, 29 (4): 585-600 (2010)Improving Capacity Utilization - Low Voltage Grids with high Photovoltaic penetration The Electric Power System of the Future - Integrating supergrids and microgrids, and . (2011)On the Gaussian approximation and margin measurements in optical amplifier systems., , , , , , , , , and . CISS, page 919-924. IEEE, (2009)