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Dispersion patterns of graphene and carbon nanotubes in ceramic matrix composites

, , , , , and . Chemical Physics Letters, 511 (4-6): 340-343 (2011)

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Dr. -Ing. Sébastien Chartier University of Stuttgart

Towards a CubeSat Mission for a Wideband Data Transmission in E-Band, , , , , and . 2020 IEEE Space Hardware and Radio Conference (SHaRC), page 16-19. Piscataway, IEEE, (2020)
Towards a CubeSat Mission for a Wideband Data Transmission in E-Band, , , , , and . 2020 IEEE Space Hardware and Radio Conference (SHaRC), page 16-19. Piscataway, IEEE, (2020)A Three Stage Gain Cell Topology with an Active Ultra-Wideband Input Matching in H-Band, , , , and . 2020 15th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), page 245-248. Piscataway, IEEE, (2021)

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