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A functional feature analysis on diverse protein-protein interactions: application for the prediction of binding affinity., , , , , and . Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 28 (6): 619-629 (2014)State estimation for on-off nonlinear stochastic coupling networks with time delay., , and . Neurocomputing, (2017)Nonlinear Gaussian mixture phd filter with an H∞ criterion., and . IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 52 (4): 2004-2016 (2016)State estimation for jump Markov linear systems with uncompensated biases., , , , and . ACC, page 4903-4908. IEEE, (2013)Diffusion Kalman filter by using maximum correntropy criterion., , and . ASCC, page 203-208. IEEE, (2019)Kalman filter for multi-target tracking with integrated measurements subject to signal attenuation., , , and . ICCA, page 911-916. IEEE, (2019)Consensus-Based Distributed Multiple Model UKF for Jump Markov Nonlinear Systems., and . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 57 (1): 227-233 (2012)Gaussian mixture PHD filter for jump Markov models based on best-fitting Gaussian approximation., and . Signal Processing, 91 (4): 1036-1042 (2011)Distributed consensus filtering for discrete-time nonlinear systems with non-Gaussian noise., and . Signal Processing, 92 (10): 2464-2470 (2012)RSS-based joint detection and tracking in mixed LOS and NLOS environments., , and . Digital Signal Processing, (2015)