By selecting one of the formats you can export the publications of the page /tag/regionalkatalog%20literatur?lang=en&resourcetype=bookmark&sortPage=folkrank&.entriesPerPage=5&resourcetype=publication&resourcetype=publication&bookmark.entriesPerPage=5&bibtex.entriesPerPage=5&resourcetype=bookmark&resourcetype=bookmark&resourcetype=publication&resourcetype=publication&resourcetype=bookmark&resourcetype=publication&resourcetype=publication in that format.

Favorite layouts

BibTeX is a popular bibliography management tool for LaTeX. Save this output and include it in your LaTeX file with the command bibliography{FILENAME} by substituting FILENAME with the name you gave the file while saving it and omitting the .bib ending.
The Citation Style Language (CSL) is an open XML-based language to format bibliographies and citations. This JSON export is compatible with most of the CiteProc implementations.
CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a simple text format for tabular data. You can import this into spreadsheet applications like Excel or OpenOffice Calc.
.txtEndNote *
This is an output in EndNote format which is used by EndNote, another bibliography management tool.
.xmlMSOffice XML *
A format to import into Microsoft Bibliography.


A custom JabRef layout which you can upload on the settings page. Information on how to write such a layout filter can be found here.
.htmlAPA: HTML according American Pychological Association (APA) guidelines *
Publication list formatted according to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA); output is created in HTML format. For further details, see This filter was originally created by Gottfried Vosgerau by adapting the Harvard RTF export filter.
.rtfAPA: RTF according American Pychological Association (APA) guidelines *
Publication list formatted according to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA); output is created in Rich Text Format (.rtf). For further details, see This filter was originally created by Gottfried Vosgerau by adapting the Harvard RTF export filter.
.rdfRSS (APA 5th Style)
With an appropriate RSS-tool you can subscribe to this RSS feed and get notifications when someone adds publications to it.
.rdfBibO RDF *
Exports in the Bibliographic Ontology Specification format.
.xmlBibTeXML *
An export of your records to a BibTeX conformable XML structure.
.htmlBoxed HTML *
An HTML layout which includes Preview-Images
This is a RDF output according to the BuRST specification. It is a valid RSS feed, therefore you can subscribe to it with appropriate applications. It is basically a union of the RSS and SWRC output.
.htmlChicago Manual of Style *
The Chicago Manual considers three distinct formats – those appropriate for bibliographies, notes, and shortened notes. This filter creates an HTML output of the bibliographies version. For further details, see This filter was originally created by Juan Jose Baldrich.
.xmlDBLP XML *
DBLP export your records to a DBLP conformable XML structure.
.htmlDIN 1505 *
HTML output format according to the German Institute for Standardization (DIN).
.htmlDIN 1505, YEAR *
HTML output format according to the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), grouped by year.
.xmlDocBook *
This is an XML output according to the DocBook schema.
.rtfHarvard RTF *
This exports the publication list in Rich Text Format which can be used by word processors like OpenOffice or Microsoft Word. It is formatted according to the Harvard bibliography style guidelines.
.htmlHarvard (HTML version) *
HTML output format formatted according to the Harvard bibliography style guidelines.
.htmlHarvard (HTML version), YEAR *
HTML output format formatted according to the Harvard bibliography style guidelines and grouped by year
.htmlHarvard (HTML version), ABSTRACT, LINKS, YEAR *
HTML output format formatted according to the Harvard bibliography style guidelines and grouped by year. Includes Links to Abstract and Export Formats. Special version created in cooperation with
.htmlHarvard (HTML version), ABSTRACT, LINKS, FULLTEXT, YEAR *
HTML output format formatted according to the Harvard bibliography style guidelines and grouped by year. Includes Links to Abstract, Export Formats and Full Text. Special version created in cooperation with
.htmlHTML *
A simple layout where each entry is represented as row in a table.
.htmlHtmltype *
A simple layout with entrytype and number.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight exchange format for web programming with JavaScript. Using the callback parameter you get output in JSONP format.