
Depth and quality limit for percussion-drilled microholes with depth > 1 mm using ultrashort pulsed laser radiation

, , , and . Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019, German Scientific Laser Society (WLT e.V.), (2019)


Based on the assumption that laser-drilled microholes can be approximated by a cone the maximum depth as a function of the laser fluence can be predicted by a simple analytical model. In this contribution, it will be shown, that the calculated maximum depth agrees well to microholes in stainless steel with drilling depth > 1mm. A Ti: sapphire laser at a wavelength of 800 nm and a pulse duration of 1 ps was used to percussion drill microholes with pulse energies up to 5 mJ and the corresponding maximum drilling depth was determined. Due to the low repetition rate of 1 kHz heat accumulation effects could be excluded. Furthermore, the quality of the microhole exit was investigated as a function of the peak fluence in 1 mm stainless steel, including the formation of side channels and the development of the shape of the microhole exit.

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