@inproceedings{lapesa2020debatenetmig15, abstract = {DEbateNet-migr15 is a manually annotated dataset for German which covers the public debate on immigration in 2015. The building block of our annotation is the political science notion of a claim, i.e., a statement made by a political actor (a politician, a party, or a group of citizens) that a specific action should be taken (e.g., vacant flats should be assigned to refugees). We identify claims in newspaper articles, assign them to actors and fine-grained categories and annotate their polarity and date. The aim of this paper is two-fold: first, we release the full DEbateNet-mig15 corpus and document it by means of a quantitative and qualitative analysis; second, we demonstrate its application in a discourse network analysis framework, which enables us to capture the temporal dynamics of the political debate.}, added-at = {2020-02-11T14:44:55.000+0100}, address = {Online}, author = {Lapesa, Gabriella and Blessing, Andre and Blokker, Nico and Dayanik, Erenay and Haunss, Sebastian and Kuhn, Jonas and Padó, Sebastian}, biburl = {https://puma.ub.uni-stuttgart.de/bibtex/23e4f84069e33ea38700b4b9e36f6e61e/sp}, booktitle = {Proceedings of LREC}, interhash = {351c134387fd9e594c83bc773b14529e}, intrahash = {3e4f84069e33ea38700b4b9e36f6e61e}, keywords = {conference myown}, pages = {919--927}, timestamp = {2020-12-07T15:42:49.000+0100}, title = {{DEbateNet-mig15}: {T}racing the 2015 Immigration Debate in {G}ermany Over Time}, url = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.lrec-1.115}, year = 2020 }