
Bending-Active Structures: Form-finding strategies using elastic deformation in static and kinetic systems and the structural potentials therein

. Universität Stuttgart, ITKE, Stuttgart, Germany, (2014)


This thesis aims to provide general insight into form-finding and structural analysis of bending-active structures. The work is based on a case study approach, in which findings from prototypes and commercial building structures become the basis for generalised theoretical investigations. Information is continuously fed back from these case study structures into theoretical research, which creates the basis for overall working methods. The behaviour of five investigated structures is found to be Independent of clearly predictable load bearing categories. Their load bearing mechanisms are largely dependent on the boundless variety of topologies and geometrical expressions that may be generated. The work therefore understands active bending as an approach to generating new structural forms, in which common load bearing behaviour is found due to the structures inherently large elasticity and inner stress state. Based on engineering and historical background, methodological, mechanical and material fundamentals of active-bending are discussed in Chapter B and C. The case study structures introduced in Chapter D open a wide field of active-bending applications, in lightweight building structures. Whether the conclusions drawn from case studies, are generally viable for bending-active structures is then discussed in the core of the work presented in two chapters on Form-Finding (Chapter E) and Structural Behaviour (Chapter F). The chapter on form-finding introduces the working methods and modelling environments developed for the present work. The chapter on structural behaviour is concerned with the influence of residual bending stress on the stiffness, scaling and stability of bending-active structures. Based on these findings, generalised design rules for bendingactive structures are highlighted in a concluding chapter.

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